
PartKeepr is licensed under the GPLv3 license. You need an unix-like operating system (Linux, FreeBSD etc), a web server (Apache2/nginx) with PHP5.6 or higher and a MySQL/PostgreSQL database. Windows is not supported, so proceed on your own risk. No free support can be given for Windows systems!

Latest Release: v1.4.0

Released April 28, 2018

zip tbz2 Installation guide Changelog Upgrade guide Running PartKeepr from GIT

Virtual Machine Image (v0.1.9)

PartKeepr provides a virtual machine image in the OVA format which is supported by VirtualBox. You can use the virtual machine image to evaluate PartKeepr. Please note:

PartKeepr.ova (555MB)

Source Code at GitHub

The source code for PartKeepr is hosted at GitHub.

PartKeepr GitHub Repository

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